Ein Bild von dem Wahl & Co Gebäude mit dem E-LKW davor


Centrally located in the Westernpart of Germany, is the headquarters of Wahl & Co. The location was opened in 1989 and has been consistently expanded over the years to become a modern logistics service location. The location in figures: The entire company site covers an area of 100,000 m². 3,000 m² are available for office space. The freight forwarding warehouse has reached a size of 12,200 m² in the last expansion stage. In addition to 26,400 m² of logistics space, there is a 9,300 m² semi-automated high-bay warehouse with 30,000 pallet spaces.

Contact the location

05205/755 0

Gildemeisterstrasse 150
33689 Bielefeld

Contact the location

039204 / 879 0

Gewerbestraße 20a
39167 Hohe Börde – OT Irxleben


Centrally located on the main European highway A2, our Irxleben site near Magdeburg is located. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the first location in Biendorf was opened, from which the current location in Irxleben emerged. At the Irxleben site, we manage a 21,000 m² plot of land. The freight forwarding warehouse has a total area of 4,000 m² and is part of the Unitrans network in addition to the central hub in Malsfeld, another location where shipments are processed in the hub system. In addition to the transshipment warehouse, the site has also been expanded to include a rack warehouse in recent years. This warehouse has 1,700 m² of logistics space and 1,000 pallet storage spaces on shelves.

Online Services

Keep track of your shipments simply with one click. Here you will find access to the Shipment recording, shipment tracking and download links.
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